The Ministry of Social Development began to pay the School Achievement Bonus to more than 220 thousand students on Wednesday who are in the 30% with the best academic performance of their class, who attend between fifth grade and fourth grade and belong to the 30% with the greatest vulnerability.
In total, there are 222,299 students, up to 24 years old, belonging to 203,182 families who will receive the benefit.
The Minister of Social Development and Family, Karla Rubilar, highlighted the broad coverage of the bond and stressed that “this is a recognition of the students who have sacrificed throughout the year in order to perform well in school, but it is also a recognition to their families, families of effort that, despite the difficulties, give all the support to their children so that they can dedicate themselves to what they have to do at this stage of their lives, which is to study and improve their performance ”.
The School Achievement Bonus is part of the Subsystem of Securities and Opportunities of the Ethical Family Income.
The amount to be delivered to students with academic excellence during the 2019 academic year is:
$ 62,350: for 109,801 students who are within the 15% of better performance.
$ 37,412: for 112,498 students who are between the 15% and 30% of better performance.
“This is an award for self-help. We know that in many of these homes there are difficult situations of vulnerability and that is why it is essential to recognize the merit of reaching the top of the ranking of scores of more than 220 thousand children and young people ”, said the Undersecretary of Social Services, Sebastián Villarreal.
The benefit payments are made through bank deposits to a RUT Account of the father, mother or guardian of the student, according to the registration in the Social Registry of Households. Interested students can check if the benefit corresponds to them through the websitehttp: //bonologroescolar.ministeriodesarrollosocial.gob.cl/