During the day this Thursday, the vast majority of opposition benches of the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies referred through a public statement to the investigation carried out by the Comptroller’s Office to Carabineros de Chile, where they formulated charges within the High Command of the institution for alleged administrative responsibilities in those that happened during the social outbreak.
In this sense, the opposition stated: “In accordance with constitutional and legal norms, the Comptroller General of the Republic it has clear powers to control the legality of the acts of the Administration bodies, which includes the Carabineros de Chile ”.
“No institution of the State Administration can claim to be excluded from the control and scrutiny of its actions, and even less can it be claimed that the administrative, civil and criminal responsibilities for human rights violations committed since 18 October 2019 ”, they maintain.
Likewise, express their “concern about the unconditional support of the Government to the generals under investigation, which is a questioning of the role of the Comptroller’s Office that weakens the rule of law.”
“We support the independence of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic in the exercise of its function of guarding compliance with the law and we urge the Government to respect the institutionality,” they argue.
The declaration is signed by the banks of the Communist Party; Socialist Party; Regionalist Green Social Federation; Party for Democracy; Radical Party; Christian Democratic Party; Common; Link; Humanist Action; Humanist Party; Democratic Revolution Bank; Social Convergence; and the Liberal Party.