Government reiterates that mining will be key to economic and employment recovery | Economy


As part of the territorial process of the National Mining Policy 2050 (PNM 2050), representatives of various sectors of the Metropolitan region discussed the contents of this important public policy that aims at an increasingly sustainable mining.

The meeting was led by the Minister of Mining, Baldo prokurica, who highlighted that “we have the challenge that in Chile today and tomorrow, where our families, children and grandchildren will live, the mining sector is valued and recognized more, we have less opposition to projects and enjoy better economic conditions and human ”.

“Mining has remained standing during the pandemic and will be key in the economic reactivation and employment. That is why I tell the mining workers that while they are at work, other Chileans have been able to stay at home, “added the minister.

Faced with the situation the country is going through, the authority highlighted the role that mining will have in the post-pandemic period.

“For this reason, I take this opportunity to reiterate that we need support for your projects, so that more and better mining takes place and more Chilean families have hope and opportunities during the post-pandemic stage that will be extraordinarily tough and complex “Prokurica stated.

In this sense, he gave an account of the portfolio of mining projects that will exceed the US $ 17 billion in investment between 2021 and 2023, and that will generate 33 thousand jobs.

The authority stressed that mining “has given us auspicious news”, such as the growth that has sustained the activity with seven positive months of Imacec (January-July), despite the difficulties of the health crisis.
