As announced a few weeks ago, the traditional Military Parade will be replaced this year by a ceremony with a reduced format due to the health emergency caused by Covid-19.
But despite this change, the event will be broadcast on open television and most of the national channels. Thus, the event that will take place this Saturday 19 at 11 am will be given through TVN, Mega, Channel 13 and Chilevisión, while La Red was marginalized from such broadcast.
The situation responds to the possibility that the channels have to adhere or not to the transmissions of national chains. “Every time there is a chain transmission, each channel freely determines if it transmits or not. In general, all the channels broadcast the things of the President, main events ”, explains the president of Anatel, Ernesto Corona.
However, the broadcast of this event has aroused controversy in recent years. In 2018, Channel 13 and La Red decided not to broadcast the Military Parade of that year. From the former Catholic network they argued that TVN -the signal responsible for the transmission- had turned the event into something “commercial” by charging $ 5 million for transmission rights to transmit it.
But last year, with Max Luksic as the new executive director of Channel 13 -since June 2019-, the channel chose to resume the broadcast and together with the other channels the operating cost was divided. The Network was again subtracted, as it repeated this year for the third time in a row.
As in the 2019 edition, the costs associated with the transmission are divided among the channels that participate in it.

The appointment, which will take place from the Military School -and not in the O’Higgins Park as it is done with the Military Parade-, will have a brief list of guests, led by President Sebastián Piñera, accompanied by the Minister of Defense, Mario Desbordes, and the Commander in Chief of the Army, General Ricardo Martínez, plus other authorities such as the President of the Supreme Court, the presidents of both houses of Congress, commanders-in-chief of the Armed Forces and directors of the police, among others.
In addition, the event will have a minimal participation of units from the Army and the Armed Forces.
The ceremony will also be broadcast on institutional social networks.