Minister Briones did not commit to increase the minimum wage


After the rejection in the Lower House of the readjustment of the minimum wage proposed by the Government, zero percent real– which, according to the IPC, would translate into an increase of 1,500 pesos-, the insistence of the Executive forces the Senate to pronounce itself.

In this stage, without modifications or indications to the original project, in the Finance Commission of the Upper House an attempt is being made to explore an agreement with the Executive.

The Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, explained about the conversations that he has previously held with the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT) and the workers, but before the senators he did not commit any increase to the figure.

The senator from the DC Jorge Pizarro He said that “it is absurd to have rejected the idea of ​​legislating, with due respect to the deputies, but they will have had their reasons. That is a damage, no matter how little the readjustment, to the workers and if the pressure is on the percentages or the The amount of the readjustment, well, it may mean a bigger problem not only for employers, but also for the workers themselves because that affects employment. “

“That is an objective fact and we cannot be so irresponsible not to realize that this situation exists and that we are going to have it for a long time. That is what to me, a priori, It makes it difficult for me to say let’s shoot it for March, because in March we will most likely have a worse scenario than the one we have nowa, “he said.

If the Upper House does not enable the processing of this project -it would need a quorum of two thirds of the Chamber-, there will be no readjustment now and it will not be possible to legislate again for another year.

To avoid this situation, the parliamentarians promised to continue talking with the Executive.
