Government says that people with COVID who come to pay will be able to do so but will be sanctioned | National


The president of the Board of Directors of Servel, Patricio Santamaría, pointed out that those people who come to vote, do not have knowledge that they are COVID positive and their contagion is subsequently established, they can do so, which was later endorsed by the Government, although they assured that such action could eventually be sanctioned.

The president of the Servel Board of Directors, Patricio Santamaría, when consulted by the press on the matter, pointed out that “if such a situation occurs, the person does not know and it is established that it is COVID positive, the first thing to do is respect their right to vote ”, as stated during the morning of this Tuesday in conversation with Radio Concert.

Despite this, He added that after the person casts the vote, “the measures of the health authority will be taken.”

The foregoing is in line with what was subsequently declared by the Executive. It was the minister spokesman for the Government, Jaime Bellolio, who pointed out that “what the president of the Servel has said is that the law says that if a person comes to vote, he must be able to vote without prejudice to the sanctions that will later come to him. “, Adding that” he cannot be prevented from voting, “according to statements collected by La Tercera.

“He votes, but once that happens he will be sanctioned and can be taken into custody because he is violating a specific rule that says that a person with COVID cannot leave their home”, he assured.

For his part, the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, mentioned that “if a person comes to vote and, for example, does not want to put on the mask, or it is detected that he has a fever, unfortunately we have to let him vote, the vote is a constitutional right ”.

“Later he will have to be taken either to a clinic if he is sick, or to a police station if he has not complied with the sanitary code”he argued.
