Despite the pandemic, There are various facilities for visiting older adults during National Holidays, within the framework of the Step by Step plan devised by the Ministry of Health.
The people that are in a commune in Transition (Step 2) can meet with older adults residing in communes in Transition, Preparation (Step 3) or Initial Opening (Step 4), for which they must apply for a travel permit that can only be used once during the three days, with a duration of six hours, between 05:00 and 21:00.
Those who live in communes that are in steps 3 or 4 and want to meet with people in a commune that is in Transition, must also request permission through the Virtual Police Station.
In the case of being in communes in steps 3 or 4 and wanting to meet someone who is in some of these same stages, there is no need to apply for a permit.
It should be remembered that people over 75 years of age who live in quarantined communes may go out for a maximum of two hours on Monday, Thursday and Saturday, between 10:00 and 12:00 hours, or between 15:00 and 17 : 00 hours.
Along with this, permits will be maintained to deliver food or other basic necessities to an older adult, which last two hours.
In the case of people who are in quarantined communes (Step 1) will not be able to reunite with family members in other quarantined communes.
A similar situation occurs if the person is in a commune in steps 2, 3 or 4 and the elderly relative is subject to quarantine, since all restrictions are maintained in this situation.
The Long-stay establishments (Eleam) will continue to be quarantined and all visits are suspended.