Fund B had the greatest leakage in July and 2 AFPs have lost the most affiliates so far in 2020 | Economy


Breaking with peaks In recent months – between March and June there were historical figures in the framework of the coronavirus crisis -, the total of transfers in the AFPs in July 2020 was 289,532 (5.6% of total contributors and 2.6% of total affiliates for that month).

With this, the transferred amounts amounted to $ 5,541,488 million, equivalent to 3.4% of pension funds, detailed a report from the consulting firm Ciedess.

Of the total transfers in July, 91% corresponded to changes in the same AFP (262,729 transfers), while the remaining 9% were movements to another entity (26,803 transfers).

In this way, a -56.0% drop in total transfers compared to the previous month and an increase of 44.9% compared to the same month of the previous year.

Fund E leads transfers

The fund with the highest number of net transfers (additions minus withdrawals) in July was the me, with 52,775 net additions, while the Fund B registered the reverse case, with -49,735 net movements.

Meanwhile, the results of the funds A, C and D were -14,007, 5,469 and 5,498 net transfers respectively.

A similar situation was observed in the results of the transfers between January and July, added Ciedess in its report.

He Fund with the highest number of net transfers is E, with 188,054 net additions, while the Type B fund registers the opposite case, with a net of -236,308 movements.

In turn, the results of Type A, C and D funds were -75,668, 119,550 and 4,372 net transfers respectively.

AFP Capital registered the highest number of transfers

When analyzing the transfers by AFP, in July Capital was the one who presented the greater number of net transfers (more incorporations than withdrawals due to transfers), with 2,604 affiliates, while the inverse case was Planvital, with -3,568 net transfers.

While, So far in 2020, the administrator with the best net balance is Capital, with 20,164 transfers, while Planvital and Modelo show the opposite case, with net outflows of -18,455 and -18,139 affiliateds respectively.

Transfers to other AFPs have experienced greater fluctuations in relation to the bidding processes for the portfolio of new affiliates, generating significant changes in the value of commissions.
