The morning of this Sunday, September 13, was marked by the performance of the traditional ceremony Ecumenical tea, which had a reduced number of attendees – considering the health emergency that is experienced worldwide.
It was in the same instance as the Minister of the Interior, Víctor Pérez, addressed the press responding to various contingency issues, including the document presented by President Sebastián Piñera -delivered to the members of his cabinet- in which he details “10 essential points” that – in his opinion – should be considered in a new Constitution.
“I think the important thing here is that all Chileans let’s have a debate on institutional issues and constitutional issues, and that debate is based on proposals, based on ideas, based on the convictions that each one has, ”said the Minister of the Interior.
“Chile deserves that the debate be with high sights and that it be with concrete proposals. A leap into the void would undoubtedly be a big problem for Chile”, He added, referring to the possibility of starting a Magna Carta from a “Blank sheet”.
“Therefore, what does the President, I think it is to contribute to that debate and that this debate be fruitful. On October 25, we will have a safe and informed referendum -as is the objective of the government-. Chileans will choose the path by which this debate should be carried out, but for that path, we have the duty to contribute so that it is with high sights and that it is fruitful for the future of the country, ”he concluded.
The aspects contemplated in this decalogue presented by President Piñera They are: the Role of the State, Family, Civil and Political Rights, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Inclusive and diverse society, public order, environment, separation of powers from the state, responsibility of the authorities and transparency; and decentralization.
The President of Socialist Party, Álvaro Elizalde, said: “It is time to listen to the constituents, that is, citizenship, and not the mandatarys. That is what the constituent process is about, listening to the sovereign: the people. “
“The President still does not understand the social and political process that Chile is going through. Its decalogue is a ‘simple rehash’ of the provisions of the current Constitution, that it does not take charge of the deep citizen demands, such as social rights, a dignified and universal health system, a true social security system, and effective protection of the environment. It reproduces the neoliberal principle of subsidiarity. In short, more of the same when Chile demands profound changes, ”said the senator regarding the proposal.
Carlos Maldonado, President of the Radical PartyHe agreed that this document presented by President Piñera is a synthesis of the Constitution that currently governs us.
“Sebastián Piñera’s decalogue is a simple summary of the current Constitution. In other words, it is for the Rejection, I would like the current Constitution to be maintained. Since you know that this will not happen, try to promote their contents and smuggle them into the new Constitution. But the truth is that it is a vain effort, clearly the right is a minority, the President has little influence on the course of events. AND the contents will really be defined by the public through a 100% elected Constitutional Convention, ”said Maldonado.
While the helmsman of the DC, Fuad Chahin, indicated that “The political signal that the government seems to be giving is that today it is for approval, so much so that it wants to influence the content of the discussion that will have to take place in the constitutional convention. Regarding the precise content of the proposal, there are interesting things, for example, the issue of citizen participation, the principle of sustainable development, the state of solidarity. I think we have coincidences in that. It is also important to guarantee the right to diversity, the recognition of our native peoples. ”
“But I think it falls short, in social rights the free and quality right to health and education is not guaranteed. Nor is it established that water will be a national asset for public use,” he concluded.