2 people died and 89 new cases of Covid-19 in the Coquimbo region


In a new balance on the situation of Covid-19 in the region, the health authorities reported 2 deaths and 89 new cases of Covid-19.

“We regret the death of two people, 1 with a residence registration in the commune of Coquimbo and the other in Illapel. Therefore, we send our condolences to family members and loved ones ”said the Seremi de Salud, Alejandro García.

In addition, the Health Authority reported 11,095 accumulated cases, of which 1,029 are active. Regarding the detail of cases by commune “13 are from La Serena, 28 from Coquimbo, 3 from Andacollo, 01 from La Higuera, 01 from Paihuano, 01 from Vicuña, 02 from Illapel, 04 from Los Vilos, 05 from Salamanca, 23 from Ovalle, 05 from Monte Patria, 01 from Punitaqui, 01 from another region and 01 without notification in the epivigila system, ”García reported.

120 hospitalized patients

For her part, the Assistant Director of Assistance Management of the Coquimbo Health Service, Alejandra Álvarez, referred to the number of beds currently available in the Coquimbo Region. “Today the bed occupancy reaches 70%, since, of the 1,230 beds currently available, 302 are available. As for the beds in the Critical Patient Units, we have 12 ICU beds and 14 ICU beds, “he said.

Regarding the report of patients hospitalized by Covid-19, the authority reported that 120 people remain hospitalized as a result of the virus, of which 31 are serious and connected to mechanical ventilation.

Finally, the Deputy Director of Assistance Management of the Coquimbo Health Service delivered the report of the health personnel affected by the virus. “Today we have 144 officials from the Health Service and from the 10 hospitals that have tested positive for the virus, and 49 are in preventive quarantine. While in Primary Health Care, 20 officials have tested positive for the virus and 48 remain in quarantine ”.
