The former soccer player and coach of Colo Colo Claudio Borghi it was ruled out as an alternative to the “Cacique” bank, as it explained that you don’t feel like “the right person” to solve the problems in the club and also because of his little affinity with the president of Blanco y Negro, Aníbal Mosa.
“I don’t think I’m the right person, because I don’t like the president of the club in his form or style, it would be going to bring more problems. I don’t think I’m the right person. I say this because I had meetings with him, once he came at 12 at night to talk about soccer at my house and many people thought that he came to offer me things, I am convinced that he came to seek more information than a coach, that is a problem“, he indicated in dialogue with our program Outdoors in Cooperativa.
The former DT of the “popular” team clarified in this line that “many put me as an option it is still a pride, because they have no obligations, but I want them to know that I never had the chance to return … I want to return, as long as we are willing to help, one person alone cannot solve all problems, Colo Colo has more than sports problems “.
“Last year the U had the manual to destroy a great and sold it to Colo Colo. From this manual, they are doing everything wrong to pass complex sporting and economic moments, I don’t understand much about economics, but it is transferred to the field and is a reflection of what is said around. A Colo Colo, in these 28 years that I live in Chile, I have never seen him play that way “, warned” Bichi “.
Also, he postulated that if there is a name to solve “all the problems of the institution,” by itself, you have to go find it, bring it in and tell it that the club is there and do what you want. But there isn’t. “
“The problem of Colo Colo is the court, what we see Sunday to Sunday, but what surrounds Colo Colo is also a problem (…) the issue of Leo Valencia that became almost national for not making the decision in the right moment. If a coach comes and solves all this, I say that you have to go find him no matter what the cost, “he weighed.
In addition, he pointed out that in the club, “from the top down there are errors, by three owners, that if one thinks one thing, the other two try to throw it down … I think there are economic wars that are bordering on sports and that’s what’s worrying. “
According to Borghi, the current Colo Colo team, whose greatest weakness is the midfield, “for champion he is not … he has eight points and 25 has Catholic. Something extraordinary would have to happen. It is time for you to first get results that take you away from the ghost of being in the last places. I can’t understand that Colo Colo doesn’t have youth at the level of big players. “
He also stated that it is important that Matias Fernandez add 90 minutes, but “some things have to be corrected. She is not there to play with her back to the goal “.