Piñera heads the first Cabinet Council in two months: instructions of disregard were released | National


At 18:00 this Thursday, President Sebastián Piñera summoned his ministers and undersecretaries to a new Cabinet Council, the first after last July 28 adjusting his work team for the fifth time through a cabinet change.

During the day various ministers referred to the topics they discussed with the president. For example, the head of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, Cristián Monckeberg, indicated early that they would talk about the legislative process of different projects but that the main thing would be economic reactivation.

This was also stated by the Minister of Social Development, Karla Rubilar, who spoke at La Moneda, instance where he took advantage of sincere that he is for the option of approval for the plebiscite.

In the middle of the meeting, the Ministry of the Interior issued the dispensation instructions for the State authorities in the face of the plebiscite on October 25. This text is not different from other previously published texts for different electoral acts.

It is about 47 points where the Government defines the actions of those who make up the Executive at its different levels.

For example, in the eighth it is mentioned that public servants, whatever their hierarchy and legal status that governs them, are prevented from carrying out activities of a political-electoral nature during their working hours.

They are also prevented from exercising coercion over employees. It also replicates what had been said in previous instructions, in relation to the officials they cannot call to vote for any of the positions of the national plebiscite during the exercise of their functions.

The text was deployed from the Ministry of the Interior to all state departments in the face of the constituent plebiscite.

It is worth mentioning that This is the first Cabinet Council convened by President Sebastián Piñera since July 10, two months ago.

Check the instructions here:
