CLC medical corps scores first victory: Court of Appeals declares protection admissible


The medical staff of Clínica Las Condes scores the first victory in the conflict with the administration. This is because the Santiago Court of Appeals declared admissible the protection appeal filed last week by more than 400 doctors against the company.

Now, the next fence in this conflict will be faced tomorrow, just when the order not to innovate is voted. In practical terms, and if it is approved, This would mean that during the entire period that the case lasts, the contracts cannot be changed, thus maintaining the current agreements.

The foregoing occurs in a context in which, in the middle of last week, the medical body decided to take legal action against the administration for its intention to put into effect a new framework lease contract starting next month. With this, and despite the request for inadmissibility presented by Clínica Las Condes to the legal entity, another chapter in this story is already opening.

In the appeal filed last week, they argued that such decision, “in addition to violating the constitutional guarantees of the appellants and violating the contracts currently in force,” constitutes a violation of the law because “none of the express requirements established for notify the term of the contract, as well as the deadlines that are required for that purpose ”.
