Colbún will start the process to sell its transmission subsidiary


The Matte family power company operates and owns 899 kilometers of transmission lines and 27 power substations.

More movements are coming in the electricity sector. Colbún, the electricity company of the Matte family, announced this Wednesday that yesterday – in an extraordinary board meeting – it agreed to carry out a process to sell its transmission subsidiary.

Through an essential fact sent to the Commission for the Financial Market (CMF), Colbún’s general manager, Thomas Keller, indicated that will promote a process that involves inviting actors with experience in the electrical, infrastructure and financial transmission industry, to “explore their interest and the conditions under which their eventual participation could be agreed either as a strategic partner, acquiring a majority position, or either by acquiring up to all the shares of its subsidiary Colbún Transmission “.

For this purpose, the electricity company hired the financial advisory services of BTG Pactual and JP Morgan.

Colbún Transmission operates and owns 899 kilometers of transmission lines and 27 electrical substations, divided into 37% “national” assets, 8% “zone” and 55% “dedicated.”

In consideration of the preliminary stage of the process, Colbún assured that it is not possible to anticipate or quantify effects on the results and financial situation of the firm. However, he said he estimated that “An eventual sale, whether total or partial, would have positive effects on them, in the case of an operation that is considered beneficial for the company and its shareholders.”
