Senate approves consular visa for job opportunities


By 34 votes in favor and three abstentions, the Senate approved, within the framework of the processing of the migration law, an item that creates a new consular visa for those migrants who request the search for job opportunities.

The new immigration subcategory Thus, it allows foreigners to apply to Chilean consulates abroad for a temporary residence permit, provided that it complies with the requirements established by Chilean regulations.

The approval of said norm, which was incorporated during the passage of the project by the Internal Government Commission, is seen in the opposition as a “intermediate solution” to the controversial indication promoted by the senator Isabel Allende (PS) and his pair Juan Ignacio Latorre (RD). Said amendment, which is considered by the ruling party as an invitation to “Labor tourism”, allows, instead, that the visa is also requested when arriving in Chile.

The analysis in sectors of the center-left of the PPD, the PS and the DC, from where they have been critical of the proposal of their peers, is that this formula is more “sensible”. Likewise, they emphasize that it allows a solution to be given to these migrants, since several take it for granted that Allende and Latorre’s indication will not have enough votes for approval when it is seen in the room this Thursday or, at the latest, next week.

In addition, the Senate approved -by the same vote- a new immigration subcategory for those “Seasonal workers who enter the country for limited, single or interannual periods, in order to carry out specific seasonal jobs.”

Likewise, during the process, the amendments to the amendments were approved with 21 votes in favor, 17 against and three abstentions. an article in which it is proposed that women victims of trafficking and smuggling of migrants obtain special treatment from the State, guaranteeing a visa for their permanence.

However, at this point the debate changed its tone and the senators of the ruling party and the opposition confronted their positions with harsh terms. Everything exploded after the UDI senator Ebensperger Light ensure that they did not agree with that provision, since, As he explained, in the case of trafficking in women, migrants would not be victims, but rather “co-perpetrators” of a crime.

His words caused the annoyance of some opposition officials. “I am very impressed with how some colleagues on the right speak about illegal migration and trafficking. Really here we should look at some human rights reports to know what happens to women when they move from one country to another “, Held José Miguel Insulza (PS). While his peer and president of the corporation, Adriana Muñoz (PPD), accused a “Patriarchal aroma in the debate.”
