Nobody has left indifferent the shocking physical change he had Roxana Munoz, after fasting for 21 days, a period in which he only ingested water.
It should be noted that as a result of this, the College of Nutritionists filed a complaint with the Seremi de Salud de la Región Metropolitana against Muñoz, for “promoting” fasting 21 days through their social networks.
On the other hand, the ex-footballer Kike AcunaThrough his attorney representing Genaro Pulgar, he filed a lawsuit in court against the model, for serious violation of the rights of the daughter they have in common. This, by presumably modifying eating patterns towards his 7 year old daughter.
However, since he began to perform this fast, The model explained that she did not do it to lose weight, but rather to “heal” her body, due to pain in her limbs.
And it is in this context that Muñoz managed to finish this new feeding process, weighing only 48 kilos, which was reflected in his physical appearance. For this reason, some comparisons emerged between how the model was before and how it looks now.
Check out the change below:

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