Mapuche community members who were on the outskirts of the park where the Germán Becker de Temuco Stadium is located, they opened the metal gates and entered the enclosure in the middle of a criticized meeting that some representatives hold with the Government.
Immediately afterwards, they reached the outskirts of the VIP room where the appointment is made, shouting slogans against the representativeness of the loncos present there.
Due to the above, Carabineros personnel immediately entered the place, blocking the staircase that allows you to reach the room already indicated.

Then, Carabineros He proceeded to make use of tear gas canisters and the water launcher carAlthough the community members present in the place raised their hands, this as a sign that their demonstration was peaceful.
Among the authorities present at the meeting are the Minister of Social Development, Karla Rubilar, the Mayor of La Araucanía, Víctor Manoli, the President of the Court of Appeals of Temuco, Carlos Gutiérrez and the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Diego Paulsen ; among others.
Change of venue
On the morning of this Wednesday, the place was changed at the last minute to carry out the criticized Füta Trawün called in La Araucanía.
Although in the first instance the appointment it was going to take place in Carahue, it was decided to hold the meeting at the Germán Becker Stadium in Temuco.
The activity called by the Council of Loncos generated different criticisms, both from the Mapuche world, who delegitimized this appointment, and from the political sector, where the Socialist Party called the call a “Media show”, emphasizing that no substantial progress was to be made in the so-called Mapuche conflict.