Last Friday a complaint went viral on social networks where It was pointed out that an older adult from Linares identified as Adriana (88 years old) had been left in the street with a suitcase, presumably by her daughter. As indicated, the incident occurred in the town of Los Aromos 2 de Linares.
In this regard, the mayor of the commune, Mario Meza, pointed out last Friday that they visited “Mrs. Adriana, who yesterday was thrown out of her home by her daughter, this, added to the terrible conditions of how she was being treated reflects the unfortunate reality of many older adults in our commune ”.
“As a Municipality we are not going to allow them to take their rights, they are the source of the experience and they deserve all the respect, not only from their children and relatives, but from all Linarenses,” he said.
He added that as a municipality they are going to “gather all the judicial records and we will complain about those who used domestic violence against her.We will also support her and her family with everything they request to improve Adriana’s quality of life ”.
For its part, from the National Service for the Elderly (Senama) in Maule, the regional coordinator, Patricia Labra, explained to BioBioChile that it was “an older adult who indeed the neighbors denounced that she was on public roads and it was the neighbors who pointed out that this would have been done by the daughter with whom she lived ”.
“We, like Senama, when we found out about the case, we contacted the municipality and they told us that the older adult had spent less than an hour on the street and that she had been welcomed by a neighbor “he explained.
He added that “everything that are health checks and support networks were managed immediately.”
Patricia indicated that during this Monday they met “as Senama in conjunction with the mayor, a multidisciplinary team from the municipality, Senama’s senior defense attorney and relatives of the older adult.”
“We were confirmed that the older adult is currently in the care of another of her daughters and is going to move in the next few days to reside with her in the commune of Maipú (…) She has family networks present that are other daughters, ”he argued.
Along these lines, he pointed out that “a complete health evaluation was managed (…) through the community health department to be able to determine the general state of her both physically and mentally, to determine if there is any cognitive deterioration”.
“There is also a private lawyer who will provide services to the family that has already submitted the corresponding complaints and our senior defense attorney, together with the municipality’s legal advisor, will advise on the actions that may be presented at headquarters criminal for the crime of habitual mistreatment and also for what may be in the family due to possible domestic violence “added.
Meanwhile, in social networks it was indicated that the situation would have occurred after the older adult sold the house to the daughter with whom she lived.
In this regard, Labra mentioned: “It was pointed out by social networks that a sale had been made to the daughter, who would have thrown her out on the street, in that case that issue was also discussed and It is up to the rest of the family members, their other daughters, to see if they file an action to annul that contract, after determining the mental health status of the older adult ”.
For the moment, the lady will move with a daughter to live in Santiago next Friday, after the results of the exams have been delivered.