Behind the cyber attack that the BancoEstado suffered during this Monday and that forced him to close his branches, Jorge Atton, former presidential cybersecurity delegate He addressed the event in the live streaming # Vision of Leaders of Banco Itaú where he spoke about the new Financial Portability law.
Regarding said new regulations, Atton pointed out that “It’s a great benefit, but it has a great associated risk. And in the risks, the institutions are not prepared nor we as people become aware of the acts “.
The former Undersecretary of Telecommunications during the first Government of Sebastián Piñera pointed out that the BancoEstado issue was “A blocking of the screens, of all the computers throughout the bank and that was triggered because an email entered to one of the people who work at the bank, who opened it and spread it. It’s a technique for capturing central information systems. “
“This is so relevant that it is part of the brand image of an institution, especially in the financial part. I don’t want to take advantage of the Banco Estado issue, but obviously you’re going to think twice if you’re going to open an account at Banco Estado. The image is complex “, Hill.