“The right to live in peace”: UDI uses Víctor Jara’s phrase for the Rejection campaign


Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe (center), president of the UDI – ATON Chile

More than a month after the Plebiscite, the Approval and Rejection campaign is still on social networks, and some do not cease to surprise, such as the case of the Independent Democratic Union (UDI) that used a phrase of the murdered Chilean singer-songwriter in Dictatorship, Víctor Jara, to post a Rejection video.

The UDI published a small video on Instagram with the phrase “For the right to live in peace”, title of the same song by the Chilean composer and which was an anthem in the social demonstrations of October 18.

In its publication, the UDI accompanies the sentence saying that “They have been months with many emotions, fear, uncertainty, anguish are just some of them. Because we want Chile, we want a country for everyone. A Chile where there are no fears. For not feeling more fear in our country, that’s why #YoVotoRechazo “.


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