A forceful analysis was made by the lawyer and National Humanities Award Agustín Squella on the already unleashed presidential race in our country and particularly on the figure of the mayor of Las Condes, Joaquín Lavín.
“That Lavín has the possibility of being President of Chile, of course he does. But for me, working from intuition – because I am never sure about what may happen tomorrow, and imagine what may happen in more than one year in a presidential election – something tells me that a person like Joaquín Lavín will never be President of Chile. Yesterday as a conservative and today as an impostor, “Squella said in an interview with Radio Cooperativa.
In addition, the columnist also lashed out at that statement by Pablo Longueira, in which the former UDI helmsman argued that Joaquín Lavín can “become a new Patricio Aylwin.” “It not only seems crazy to me, it is really a lack of respect for the first president who had our process of transition to democracy. It really seems to me an excess, and even that it borders on pathetic,” he established.
Beyond the case of Lavín, Squella said that “the amount of pre-presidential we have, who are like children in a classroom raising their finger to say ‘I am available to compete for the Presidency of the Republic.”
“I understand that politicians have ambitions, there is nothing wrong with having them, but the number of people who are even making use of that expression is already too numerous for my taste, for my taste something vulgar, something ordinary. ‘I’m available’… ¿¿ Who can say about the office of President of the Republic that ‘is available’? “, He added.