He former minister Pablo Longueira talked this day with Radio Biobío where he addressed the judicial process he faces in the framework of the Soquimich case – where he is accused of bribery and consummated tax crimes – and whose hearing to prepare for the oral trial is scheduled for next October 5.
On this subject, Longueira assured that “One of the most important bodies that we have to modernize and change is the State Defense Council. What this institution has come to is incredible “, Held.
In this sense, the former senator referred to the controversial sayings he issued last week in Cooperative radio where he assured that the lawyer María Inés Horvitz -a member of the CDE- is a “communist” and that the case against him in the SQM case corresponds to a “Persecution of the communists” What do they seek “An image murder.” When asked about this topic in Radio Biobío She stated that she “has not responded” and insisted that the professional “has led” the case against her.
In addition, he questioned the Public Ministry for not having formalized former Minister Jorge Insunza, also linked to the SQM case. According to the figure of the national prosecutor, Jorge Abbott, Longueira argued that “He does not have the moral authority to be there (…) I know the meetings he had and what he negotiated and I will say it in the trial nowl “.
And continued: “How can a man be a prosecutor who freed all the parliamentarians and elected some? How can you be in that position? I do not recognize it just moral authority ”.
He also acknowledged that he was offered a “deal” to avoid the oral trial, but had to accept that he had committed two other crimes, one for influence peddling and incompatible negotiation: “I never accepted them, because I never did”Insisted the former presidential candidate.
Consulted by the figures of the president of the CDE José Antonio Peribonio; the former member of said body Juan Ignacio Piña and the prosecutor Pablo Gómez, Longueira replied: “There is nothing worse than these right-wingers who have to show the left that they are not on the right. I panic to those, I have always panicked “.
Along these lines, he added that Gómez formalized it without even having declared because the prosecutor “Did not resist the pressure” to be linked to the figure of President Sebastián Piñera.
Longueira also announced lawsuits against whoever leaked the mail related to the royalty law for which he is being accused of bribery: “This email was illegally leaked to the prosecution, which I am also going to sue the prosecutor, because it is clear who it was and then I am going to sue all of them, and I am going to do it because there cannot be a democracy in a democracy that do this to a citizen ”.