Government confirms investigation for computer attack on BancoEstado | National


Ailen Diaz | UNO Agency


The undersecretary of the Interior, Juan Francisco Galli, referred to the computer attack that BancoEstado suffered yesterday Sunday, confirming that an investigation into what happened is already underway.

In this regard, the authority indicated that “The complaint was made by the entity itself to Cybercrime in the PDI and that investigation is already underway. What has to be determined is what is the nature of the malware, what could have been its origin and once there the legal actions will be evaluated ”.

“What was done was a first contact with the affected entity and alerting the entire public system of the presence of this threat, so that preventive measures could be taken and thus avoid further damage ”Galli pointed out.

He also asserted that “What there is is an early warning against the detection of this malware in BancoEstado”, adding that “what is done is to generate cyber security alerts so that the entire public sector, and especially -through the Financial Market Commission- the financial sector take preventive measures to prevent other entities from being affected by this same threat ”.

Furthermore, he pointed out that the Government is responsible for “taking preventive measures to prevent this threat, which could have affected BancoEstado, does not extend to other entities of the financial market, nor to other entities of the public sector “.

Branch closings

Although it first announced that this Monday it would serve in a limited way in its branches throughout Chile, BancoEstado rectified that and indicated that it determined for the present day close all its customer service offices.

Faced with it, he called back to prefer remote channels. The entity’s website is absolutely down and under repair; but your mobile application is operational.

The other systems for customers (ATMs and CajaVecina) they also do not present failures.
