The Ministry of Health reported 1,764 new cases of coronavirus on Monday and another 60 deaths from coronavirus, according to a balance released this morning through the Government website.
As has been the trend, the Metropolitan region led the infections registered in the last day, with 476 positives.
Magallanes followed – an area that with 225 cases it reached its daily recordor since the beginning of the pandemic- and the Bío Bío, with 212.
The capitals of these last two regions were positioned as the two communes with the most active cases in all of Chile, according to the epidemiological report from the Minsal released last Saturday.
Just Punta Arenas currently experiencing a second wave of infections, which has developed more intensively than the first one registered four months ago. In addition, it is the city with the highest incidence rate in the country: 722.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
Then come small towns such as Pica, Maullín, Treguaco, Pichidegua, Diego de Almagro, Perquenco and Pozo Almonte, a list that is also made up of districts of Gran Concepción: Penco, Tomé, Hualpén, Talcahuano, Concepción and Hualqui, all with indices that range from the 396.8 to 240.4 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.
Precisely in Bío Bío the cases have not fallen below the threshold of 200 in the last four days, by scoring 251, 296, 234, 291, 212 infections respectively.
In today’s report, El Maule (167) and Valparaíso (139) appear further behind.
The other numbers
According to the balance of this Monday, the total number of people who have been diagnosed with covid-19 in the country reaches 424,274, while 11,652 have lost their lives (with positive PCR).
To date, 930 people are hospitalized in Intensive Care Units, of which 699 are on mechanical ventilation support and 115 are in critical health.
With 30,987 PCR tests performed in 24 hours (cut off at 9:00 p.m. on Sunday), the positivity rate reached 5.69% (view image).