The minister Secretary General of Government, Jaime Bellolio, announced in the balance of this Sunday a new change with respect to the “Stay in your house” because of National Holidays, highlighting that the transitory permit to hold meetings between September 18 and 20 will not apply to communes that are in step 1 of quarantine.
“This is a government that listens, that attends to what the mayors and authorities have told us, and in conversation with the Ministry of Health together with the President of the Republic, we have taken the determination that this transitory permit for September 18, 19 and 20 will exclude those communes that are in step 1, that is to say in quarantine, “he explained.
It should be remembered that last Friday the authority had announced that Meetings of a maximum of 5 people in addition to those who live in the home indoors and 10 people in total in open spaces would be allowed. However, after criticism received from various sectors, it was determined to exclude those communes that are still under the quarantine regime.
Read moreWith more people capable of infecting: These are the 20 communes with the most active cases of COVID-19 in Chile
Bellolio ratified that all those communes that are in step 2, 3, 4 and 5 must request a special permission to carry out in said meetings, which It will be obtained through the Virtual Police Station and will last 6 hours.
Also, The ban on inns and events is maintained, as well as interregional mobility.
Regarding whether it was a mistake not to exclude the quarantined communes from the beginning, the spokesperson said that “You have witnessed that the Step-by-Step Plan has meant modifications as the data change (…) For this reason, it is that taking into account, for example, what the Mayor of Magallanes and other people who have sent us different proposals have told us, is that we determine that the communes that are in step 1 do not have the permission transient”.
New Epidemiological Report: 15,869 deaths from coronavirus and 470,536 cases between confirmed and probable
The Ministry of Health delivered this Saturday a new Epidemiological Report, number 48 since the start of the pandemic, where It was reported that in the country there are 15,869 deaths from coronavirus between confirmed and probable cases.
On the other hand, he also realized that there were 470,536 infections throughout the country until September 2 -the cut-off date for the completion of the report-, of which 52,067 are probable while the rest is confirmed.
It was also reported that the highest accumulated incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants are concentrated in the Metropolitan region (3,785.2), followed by Tarapacá (3,078.3) and Arica and Parinacota (2,853.1).
In addition, it was highlighted that the age groups that concentrate the infections in the country are those ranging from 30 to 44 years (30.3% of cases) and from 45 to 64 years (29.2%).
It should be noted that Punta Arenas is once again the commune that shows the most critical situation in the country, with 1,026 active cases, being the only one that exceeds a thousand.
Concepción is in second place with 578, while Puente Alto is in third position with 551, being the only one in the Metropolitan region among the top 10.