The 48th Epidemiological Report of the Ministry of Health, published today with data up to September 3, recorded 15,823 deaths from covid-19 in Chile, considering confirmed and suspected cases according to data from the Department of Health Statistics and Information (Deis).
Thus, to the 11,551 deaths reported by the health authorities, another 4,272 are added that are awaiting confirmation of their PCR test, taking the Metropolitan region as the area with the most deaths, adding 11,321, between confirmed and suspected.
At the regional level, the numbers are as follows: Arica and Parinacota: 161 (confirmed and suspected); Tarapacá: 252; Antofagasta: 604; Atacama: 81; Coquimbo: 236; Valparaíso: 1,193; Metropolitan: 11,321; O’Higgins: 541; Maule: 426; Ñuble: 130; Biobío: 381; Araucanía: 229; Los Ríos: 36; The Lakes: 148; Aysén: 5, and Magallanes and Antarctica: 77.
In Chile, as of September 3, 470,536 cases have occurred from covid-19 (418,469 with laboratory confirmation and 52,067 probable, without laboratory confirmation), with a rate of 2,418.2 per 100,000 inhabitants. This rate is the cumulative incidence, that is, the total number of diagnosed cases (confirmed and probable) from March 3, the date of the first case, to the date of the report. It does not represent the current incidence rate, nor the number of people still in the stage of generating possible infections.
The highest cumulative incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants, according to laboratory-confirmed cases, are found in the Metropolitan region (3,785.2), Tarapacá Region (3,078.3) and Arica and Parinacota Region (2,853.1).
Of the confirmed and probable reported cases in Epivigila, the median age is 39 years, where 5.7% correspond to persons under 15 years of age, 24.0% to persons aged 15-29 years, 30.3% to people aged 30-44 years, 29.2% to persons aged 45-64 years, while the remaining 10.8% to adults aged 65 and over.
As for active cases, until last Thursday the 3rd, the list is headed by the Metropolitan region, with 5,625. They are followed by Biobío, with 2,924; Valparaíso, 2,227; O’Higgins, 1,153; Magallanes, 1,082 and Coquimbo, 1,034.
The commune with the highest number of active cases is Punta Arenas, with 1,026. Then come Concepción, with 578; Puente Alto, 551; Arica, 529; Antofagasta, 507; Chillán, 456; Valparaíso, 449, and Viña del Mar, 445.