The mayors of the three communes that are in quarantine in the Coquimbo Region, kept their word and sent a letter this Friday to the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, to reverse the measure of special permits to authorize family reunions in National Holidays.
As they had warned yesterday, the communal heads of La Serena, Roberto Jacob; Coquimbo, Marcelo Pereira, and Ovalle, Claudio Renteria, signed the letter today in front of the Regional Government building, and then proceeded to send it to the Secretary of State.
The controversial announcement of the Government considers the authorization of a new permit in the Virtual Police Station, intended to authorize meetings of up to five people in closed spaces and ten in open spaces, between September 18, 19 and 20, to give place to celebrations for the traditional national holiday.
The measure caused the rejection of the three mayors, whose communes have not managed to fully control the Covid-19 infections, despite an improvement in the regional capital. The most affected is Coquimbo, which in the last balance concentrates a third of the total active infections in the region (411 out of 1,136).
The councilors claim that the government’s determination, which covers all the communes of the country, did not consider the opinion of the municipalities and comes at the worst moment of the pandemic in the Coquimbo region.
“We are in quarantine, and overnight they skip all the steps and give freedom for those 3 days with special permits for 6 hours to meet at homes. This is absurd, with total centralism. There is no communication. This letter tells the minister to reverse this measure, “said Roberto Jacob.