The Covid-19 Scientific Committee of the Bío Bío gave its support to the mayor of Bío Bío, Sergio Giacaman, due to the controversy after the public reprimand of the ministers Enrique Paris and Jaime Bellolio.
Through a statement, the instance indicated that “we categorically reject the public and centralist summons exercised by two ministers of State against the mayor of the Bío Bío Region.”
Likewise, it is added in the text that the opinions expressed by the highest regional authority “reflect the feelings of different municipalities and technical organizations regarding how inadequate are the measures that allow family reunions in full quarantine “.
Along these lines, the letter points out that one of the great problems that the management of the pandemic caused by covid-19 has had is the “Lack of openness of the Ministry of Health to listen to all opinions, for which we claim the importance of considering regional voices, including that of the first regional authority.
Finally, the statement maintains that the committee adheres to “transversal support to the mayor’s sayings, where unions, social organizations and a large part of the regional political spectrum have joined “.
“It would be inconsistent to retract”
After the national authorities asked him to retract his criticism of the government’s plan to celebrate National Holidays, Giacaman held a press conference, where he ruled out resigning and affirmed that they maintain loyalty to the central government and to President Sebastián Piñera, but that he would not back down in his questions.
“My role is to represent the reality of the region with the other authorities, it would be incoherent to retract, I keep it “, he asserted.
“I have no problem with the minister calling me or mentioning me, as well as he could say the same (…) Here we must not be confused, here the problem is not the ministers or it is not me, it is the coronavirus “he explained.