Six months with the epidemic: the Covid-19 figures in Chile


Since last March 3, in the commune of San Javier (Maule Region), the first positive case of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was confirmed in Chile, the pandemic has been carried away 11,244 lives and the infected reach the 416,501.

This Thursday, six months after the start of the epidemic, the Ministry of Health reported that the country has 389,409 patients who have recovered, that is, the 93 percent of those infected, while 15,670 still active, that is, they are capable of transmitting the virus.

The new cases, recorded in the last 24 hours, amounted to 1,758 and they were counted 77 deaths.

Chile is the eleventh country with the most infected of the world, ahead of Iran, the United Kingdom and France, and the 14th with the most deaths, according to the independent count of Johns Hopkins University (USA).

To the date, 940 people they find each other hospitalized in Intensive Care Units (ICU), 686 of them with mechanical ventilation support and 125 in “critical condition”.

In relation to the Integrated Health Network, made up of public and private establishments, between March and August, 6,374 referrals, of which 2,710 were from critical patients.

Currently there is a total of 485 fans available for the patient who requires it, regardless of the region where they are.

The strengthening of the network made it possible to increase the availability of critical beds in hospitals and clinics, which went from 1,214, at the beginning of the epidemic, to 3,216.

The pandemic has put both the country’s health system and personnel to the test, the Undersecretary of Healthcare Networks recognized today, Arturo Zúñiga.

“Increasing the capacity of our integrated network has allowed us to respond and protect those who have needed it, but the real heroes during the pandemic have been health workers, who have worked hard and tirelessly to safeguard the lives of those who live in our country, “said the authority.


Zúñiga also highlighted the initial capacity to take PCR tests, which in February stood at 550 daily tests and today it reaches 37,000 samples daily thanks to a network of 130 laboratories, which are broken down into 53 hospitals, 33 universities and 44 private campuses.

Chile, with 19 million inhabitants, is the country in the region that performs the most tests per million inhabitants and already totals 2,508,750 exams since the beginning of March.

During these six months of the pandemic, the Health system has generated a strategy based on the Active Case Search (BAC) to find positive Covid-19 patients. According to the Ministry of Health, more than 50 percent of the tests taken in recent weeks correspond to these operations. Along the same lines, tracers nationwide exceed 6,800.

“The TTA strategy proposes as a first step to anticipate the investigation of all cases, through the Active Search of Cases and early diagnosis, in conjunction with the implementation of a traceability and isolation system of all suspects”, explains the Undersecretary of Health Public, Paula Daza, who adds that “if we can investigate positive cases in time, we can quickly isolate them, trace all their close contacts in less than 48 hours and give them the quarantine indication.”

The number of Sanitary Residences available is 152 with 10,266 places. As of today they have 4,901 users considering all regions of the country.
