Alexis Sanchez surprised everyone this Thursday with a long statement about his passage in the United manchester, where he stated that he was not happy in the “Red Devils” box and he criticized various situations that he experienced in the institution.
The current Inter Milan attacker shared a video on his Instagram, where he revealed that before “had an agreement with Manchester City, but because of football things it was not given and there was a chance to go to United. It seemed tempting and cute to me. When I was a kid I really liked that club and I ended up signing, without much information about what was happening in the internship. “
“In the first days that I was with my colleagues I discovered things that I did not know. After a training session, I came home and said to my family and my manager ‘can the contract be broken to return to Arsenal?’ and they start laughing. I told them that there was something that did not fit, that I did not think it was good. But he had already signed and was already there, “he added.
The tocopillano went further and stated that “The first months passed and I kept feeling the same sensation. We weren’t united as a team at the time. The journalists spoke without knowing and that bothered and hurt. Former players spoke who had no idea what was happening in the club’s internals and gave their opinion against me. A player also depends on a good intern, that we are a family and we are united. At that time we weren’t and it was reflected on the playing field. And since you had to blame one, they blamed me. “
“Sometimes I did not play, other times they played 20 or 30 minutes and the fault was always one. I also make a self-criticism that I should have played better. In that period there were injuries that, by not being happy or not being united as a team, hurt us and me too, “he added.
In a very honest moment, the Red striker said: “That was when journalists and former players came to talk about things that were not. Things happened and I was not happy.”
“In a game, against West Ham, you didn’t see me or I changed. It never happened to me before and I think that hurt a lot. That day I said that that was not possible, to go from one of the best in the Premier League to five months later not dressing. I got home, I got sad and the next day I trained double shift, I love football, “he recalled.
When the 2019-20 season was about to start, Alexis said that “the current United manager (Ole Gunnar Solskjaer) arrived and I decided to talk to him and tell him that I thought it necessary to change of scene and give me the opportunity to go to Inter. He said there was no problem. “
When he began to close his statement, Alexis said that “I am already an Inter player and I only have words of thanks to United for giving me the opportunity to wear their jersey and represent them. It did bother me a lot that things didn’t go the way I wanted, because of the atmosphere at the time. If that had been more positive, it would have turned out a little better. “
“The atmosphere was not good, it was not happy, and the journalists with former players also spoke and that was angry. I emphasize it a lot because they blamed me and that bothered, “he added.
Finally, he closed his video by commenting that he had this “because I had a learning period as a player and as a person. I repeat, words of thanks to United for defending them and The subject makes me sad because I wanted to win everything and bring joy to the fans. It corresponded and it was not given by things that at that time were not within reach for a team at the height of United“.