It is not arriving and doing a fun on social networks … apparently. The Court of Appeals of Puerto Montt ordered the elimination of a funa posted by a young woman on social networks where He denounced having suffered violence in polo.
The court of appeal accepted a protection appeal filed by the subject mentioned in the networks and assured that the accusations disseminated on Facebook and Instagram violate his honor and dignity and that of his family.
It was argued that social networks are not the appropriate way to solve these types of problems, let alone make complaints that must be prosecuted through the Justice.
“That, from reading the impressions of the publications on the social networks Facebook and Instagram, accompanied by the actor, it is possible to conclude that the acts questioned by the appellant, by their nature and content, possess sufficient aptitude to violate the right to the honor of the appellant, when they are generically charged with the execution of legally and socially reproached conduct ”, he highlights.