Nine points were those that sealed the agreement between the Government and the truckers. Despite the controversies of the mobilization – which included the tragic death of a protester, an unusual party and internal division – positions were approached. The carriers, as Sergio Pérez told Publimetro, were “calm”, although they did not get everything they expected. But they will have time to continue negotiating within the framework of the Working Group that must be constituted no later than 15 days.
That is one of the clauses of the agreement protocol, which was worked on quite secretly. In this, the Government’s commitment to public order is reaffirmed, so they will seek to pass 13 laws on the matter, before the end of the current legislative period. Likewise, 5,600 million will be invested in police infrastructure, air means will be increased in the southern macrozone, special intelligence coordination will be established and there will be a special program for the maintenance and replacement of police vehicles.
To the 45 surveillance cameras on the Collipulli-Temuco section, there will be an additional 36, 24 thermal and 53 patent readers. Likewise, the implementation of two new safe rest areas, with all the necessary facilities, was committed. There will be financial support for victims of violence: life grace pensions for those affected and scholarships for their children; mechanisms will be sought to supplement the amounts not covered by current insurance policies; and non-reimbursable subsidies will be strengthened to cover all the costs of the destroyed motor vehicles. Additionally, the Government will work from the Ministry of Transportation with the concessionaires, to seek new technologies that improve safety standards.
Another point, and the one that generated the most controversy, is the one related to analyzing the tariff of tolls on routes 68 and 78, to advance in the establishment of a flat rate on weekends and holidays. The relationship of this with the violence was questioned, recalling that truckers already have other benefits.
The hives that the mobilization removed
Although they met most of the demands it had, the stoppage of the truckers left consequences within the union. From the beginning there were sectors that did not join, but in the negotiation itself, between the federations of the National Confederation, there were differences. In fact, when Iván Mateluna, president of Fedequinta, announced the suspension of the strike, he added that they will evaluate their continuity in the group “because we are upset with the attitude and with how it was negotiated.” In any case, he added, that is a determination that the bases must analyze.
Asked about this, the president of the National Confederation insisted that there is no break, and that otherwise, Mateluna’s words are a mistake. “The four federation presidents were there from day one. And Mateluna was permanently participating. Even this president traveled because he invited me to speak to the truckers and ended up crying. I think that so many days of work and all that we endured was what triggered those words, ”he commented.