The families of the detainees, meanwhile, denounced that the Gendarmerie is not complying with the order of the Cañete Court that ordered the group’s return to the Lebu prison.
As reported by Radio Bío Bío, the regional director of the INDH, Carolina Chang, interviewed the 12 community members of Lebu, who after a medical evaluation at the Los Angeles Hospital were admitted to the Concepción Penitentiary Center.
The lawyer confirmed the visit and referred to the stable health condition of the community members, despite the hunger strike that will last two months on Saturday, an argument with which the Gendarmerie took the detainees on Monday for medical examinations.
In the meantime, the families of the 12 detainees, investigated and in preventive detention for robbery, injuries and homicide, insist that the Gendarmerie must return them to the Lebu prison, as ordered by the Cañete Guarantee Court, said the spokesperson Auka Castro.
At the meeting of the community members with the Institute of Human Rights, the regional defender, Osvaldo Pizarro, and the Minister of Justice, Sergio Vallejos, who did not want to refer to the meeting, were also present, unofficially indicating that the focus of attention of the authority is in the health of the people, but the government is always ready for dialogue.