Senator Navarro denounced the mayor of Biobío for the crime of omission in the stoppage of truckers


The senator Alexander navarro filed a complaint against the mayor of Biobío, Sergio Giacaman, for the alleged crime of “omission of complaint”, sanctioned in article 175 of the Penal Code and which obliges all public officials to report possible crimes with a peremptory period of 24 hours after the fact is made known.

For Navarro, “The denounced events began on August 27 with the blocking of roads by a union of truck drivers. The mayor has ignored it and has not made any complaint. We want the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate why the first authority in the region, in knowledge of very serious facts, such as the cut off and interruption of the free movement of people and vehicles, established and sanctioned in the Criminal Code in Article 268 that establishes penalties of jail from 61 to 541 days, it has not denounced these events for investigation. “

“Here there is impunity, there is tolerance, there is a double standard to treat the citizenry. Impunity for truckers, repression for citizens, “he added.

In his defense, the questioned mayor of Biobío, Sergio Giacaman, He replied that “we have been monitoring the situation of the truckers’ strike since day one, there are several that are with infractions carried out by the Carabineros and from the forces of order and security we have had a deployment that has allowed the movement of people “.

“The truckers not only summon the Government, but also the different powers of the State and in that context what they do is request the approval of the bills that have been presented as the strengthening of the police, increased sentences in the case of theft of wood, among others, “he added.

“In the event that there is a crime we will report it”Giacaman reaffirmed.
