Chamber of Deputies dispatches bill that eliminates deadline for women to remarry


By 145 votes in favor and none against, this Tuesday the Chamber of Deputies dispatched the bill that seeks to eliminate the impediment of second marriages that currently affects women.

The motion modifies current law, which has its origins in the 19th century and prohibits women from remarrying within 270 days of the conclusion of the first civil union.

The president of the Commission for Women and Gender Equality of the Chamber of Deputies, Camila Vallejo (PC), indicated through her Twitter account that it is “incredible that such anachronistic laws are in force” and that “we are continuing to eliminate different types of violence against women ”.

For her part, the Minister for Women and Gender Equality, Mónica Zalaquett, said that this is “good news for women and a great step in building a more just Chile.”

Similarly, he indicated that the new legislation “will allow men and women to have the freedom to rebuild our lives without discrimination. We must put an end to all anachronistic norms that affect women ”.
