Trucker who was run over on Route 5 argued with truck driver


The prosecution confirmed that the deadly hit at a point of the truckers’ strike in Curicó, Maule Region, occurred in the middle of an argument between a protester and the driver of the truck that ran over him and caused his death in the same place.

This is an incident recorded this morning at kilometer 191 of Route 5 South, in the Los Niches intersection sector, where the victim, apparently a 38-year-old mechanic, participated in the stoppage and was run over by a truck who tried to continue his march along the track from north to south.

The vehicle involved belongs to the Fedex company and carried elements of the Central de Abastelaciones (Cenabast) of the Ministry of Health in the south of the country. The driver was stopped by the Carabineros.

He Chief Prosecutor of Curicó, Miguel Gajardo, He noted at the site that “according to the information that we have been able to gather so far, a Cenabast truck had taken over that was carrying items to the south of the country.”

“In these circumstances, two pedestrians approach said vehicle, there is an interaction with the driver of the same while circulating on the route and one of the pedestrians is run over by the wheels of that truck and dies,” he added.

The prosecutor indicated that the investigation is being carried out by the Siat de Talca and that the police officers are taking statements from the eyewitnesses of the event in order to establish the responsibility of the detained driver.
