A whole viral yesterday became a photograph of a tree, which had a brochure with mathematical exercises pasted, with the following headline: “I’m looking for a smart girlfriend.”
A 19-year-old young man published a series of mathematical exercises, the results of which gave his cell phone… so that the damsels who managed to solve the problems, could contact him.
And the online program #Wake up people, found its author, Baltazar, 19, a resident of the Ñuñoa commune.
“This was serious, but I didn’t think that so many people were going to be able to do it, a lot of people did it, they spoke to me like 700 people, like 400 mines and I’m seeing which one I like better,” he said confidently.
“They bitched me a bit, but then we ended up good, in fact some of them sent me exercises back,” Baltazar confessed.
The young man who was studying mining engineering at the Federico Santa María University, and who froze due to the pandemic, said that he received positive reviews of his publication. “In fact, about a dozen mines already told me and when are we going to fight? They took it very seriously,” he said.
Regarding the reasons for looking for a partner in this way, Baltazar said that “I have not done very well with the mines, they rejected me a couple of times and the last time they told me ‘I never want to go out with you.”