This Sunday, September 6, a new superclassic will be played between Universidad de Chile and Colo Colo. Both teams had setbacks in the return of football: the albos fell 2-3 at home to Santiago Wanderers and while it is true the Blues did not lose, they equaled 2-2 after having a 2-0 lead.
The classics are classics is the most repeated phrase for this occasion and one who experienced this important game as a player and as a coach was VHéctor Hugo Castañeda, the one who had a particular vision regarding the U.
Invited to the Redgoleta, the commentator today assured that the blues will lack a man like Mauricio Pinilla, man of classics according to VHC.
“Mauricio is one of the guys who adds color to the classics. He always comes up with a phrase that warms up the classic or they are one of those guys that one thinks are touched by a magic wand because they always appear in important matches”, he claimed.
Castañeda assures that regarding the superclassic “come the cliché phrases, Colo Colo has many classic players, and he rebounds that they are doing well. Maybe the U was a little more armed, but the classics anything happens.”
The one formed in Palestino takes an option as a favorite for Sunday with respect to the games played this weekend by both teams and it is played: “I liked the U better.”