INDH calls for government coherence in the face of pro-Mapuche and truck driver protests


The director of the National Institute of Human Rights (INDH), Sergio Micco, met this Monday with the President Sebastian Piñera in La Moneda, after which he indicated that One should have only one criterion regarding the actions of the Government and the Carabineros in the face of the different demonstrations.

This in reference to the reaction of the authorities to the stoppage and protests of truck drivers, which has been described as “soft” by parliamentarians; and just this Monday the Executive said that it “evaluates” invoking the State Security Law against the union.

After the appointment, where the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Hernán Larraín, also participated, The director of the INDH said that it is essential that the Interior Ministry clarify what the criteria are for the different types of protests.

“It seems essential to us that the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security clarify that point, what is the criterion, because effectively being in Temuco one finds that When there is a protest, a demonstration of people who support the cause of the hunger strikers, simply leaving the road means the irruption of the public force and in other cases it does not“Micco said.

The criteria, here the key for the Institute is that there is a single criterion for all cases“, he remarked.

The meeting was requested by Micco almost a year from October 18, where different issues related to reparation were discussed, especially eye repair and in a program that helps women who have been victims of sexual abuse.

The director of the INDH also emphasized that a future Constitution, beyond the result of the plebiscite, must have an axis on human rights.
