Has the shortage started ?: fuel shortages are reported in Temuco and the Government admits problems in La Araucanía to the south


Long lines in service centers due to fuel shortages – Agencia UNO

As we move the country, we can also stop it“threatened one of the leaders of the truckers, Marcelo Tolosa, days before the start unemployment. This Monday the first problems of shortage in the country.

As reported by neighbors of Temuco, there is already certain fuel shortage, which has generated long lines in the different servicentros of the commune, something that could grow if the mobilizations continue.

Is that according to the Minister of Agriculture, Antonio Walker, “if this continues we will have a problem” and called for “responsibility and dialogue” to solve the conflict.

In conversation with 24 hours of TVN, the Secretary of State admitted that “in The Araucanía, The rivers and Los Lagos has had specific problems with the supply“.

From the Ministry of Interior, meanwhile, Victor Perez noted after the rejection of the last proposal of the government than “we are going to use all judicial and police resources“to those who block the roads, being” the State Internal Security Law it’s one of those mechanisms. “

In Temuco they report the start of the fuel shortage:


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