The harsh warning for truckers’ strike: it could increase the price of some foods


The truckers’ strike has been going on for five days and the first problems are beginning to appear in production sectors. From the Port of San Antonio they indicated that they have ships with more than 40 thousand tons of food that could not be removed as a result of the mobilization.

This situation could be directly related to a possible increase in prices for consumers, as detailed by 24 Hours.

Carlos Mondaca, The terminal’s public affairs manager explained to the same media that “there is wheat, corn and soybeans, with which bread is generated and pork, chicken, turkey and eggs are produced in Chile.” These foods are being stored due to the lack of transporters who can remove them.

“Puerto Panul, a terminal that supplies grain to 90% of the Chilean industry, cannot transfer the products because there are no trucks,” Mondaca said, noting that this area does not have storage capacity. “1,300 trucks are needed to evacuate the cargo,” he added.

The terminal manager also made reference to the possible increase in the price of some foods. “It makes us suspect that there will be increases in products because someone has to pay this extra cost,” he assured 24 Horas.

It should be noted that the strike called by the National Cargo Transport Confederation (CNTC), today began its fifth stoppage, so far there is no agreement between the Government and truck drivers, which predict at least one more week of mobilization on the country’s routes .

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Trucks on Route 68, at the height of the Lo Vásquez Sanctuary, on the fifth day of the stoppage throughout the country:
