[Minuto a Minuto] Nine communes of the Metropolitan Region advanced to transition this Monday


07:45 –

| Regional Hospital Director of Concepción: Much is said that we are the first line, but in the health sector we are the defensive line. The first line continues to be the community, each of us #CooperativaEnCasa

07:44 –

| Concepción Regional Hospital Director: At the public network level in the region we have 26 unoccupied critical beds, and if we include the private sector, there are 41. There is 20 percent unemployment, which allows us to be calm #CooperativaEnCasa

07:41 –

| Regional Hospital Director of Concepción: We have 64 ICU beds, of which 36 are dedicated to Covid, and of those we have six unoccupied beds #CooperativaEnCasa

07:38 –

| Regional Hospital Director of Concepción: We have had two large waves of infections in the campus; at one point we had 300 infected officials and now we have 50 in quarantine #CooperativaEnCasa

07:37 –

| [Radio en vivo] Carlos Capurro, director of the Regional Hospital of Concepción, talks with #CooperativaEnCasa about the health situation in the commune, currently in quarantine https://www.cooperativa.cl/radioenvivo/

06:13 –

| With these advances, more than half of the people of Santiago are already without quarantine, approximately 55 percent of the inhabitants of the region

06:07 –

| The communes of El Monte, Cerrillos, Calera de Tango, La Florida, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Talagante, Macul, Huechuraba and Maipú, all of the? Metropolitan Region, advanced to the transition, phase 2 of the “Step by step”, starting at 05:00 hours this Monday

13:58 –

| On Tuesday the protocol to open restaurant spaces in communes in the opening phase will be known, according to Minsal #CooperativaEnCasa

13:48 –

| Undersecretary Daza for measures of progress in the plan Step by step: We have seen that the indicators (positivity, new cases, traceability and critical beds) are favorable #CooperativaEnCasa

13:40 –

| Minsal and exit permits for adults over 75 years old: In transition they can leave from Monday to Friday without restrictions and in preparation they can leave every day #CooperativaEnCasa

13:39 –

| The communes of Los Andes, San Felipe, San José de Maipo, Providencia, Las Condes, Ñuñoa and Vitacura go to the preparation stage and Rengo to the transition #CooperativaEnCasa

13:36 –

| Minsal announced that the communes of Santa Cruz, Chillán Viejo, Chillán and Hualqui go into quarantine as of September 2 #CooperativaEnCasa

13:35 –

| Covid-19 balance: In the last 24 hours, 1,966 positive cases and 63 deaths were registered, reaching a total of 11,244 deaths #CooperativaEnCasa

13:33 –

| Minister Paris regretted the sexual assault suffered by a nursing technician in a health residence in Punta Arenas: We will not tolerate it, #CooperativaEnCasa will be prosecuted criminally

13:31 –

| Minister Paris on balance Covid-19: Congratulated Puente Alto for the decrease in infections, but regretted the increase in the commune of La Ligua #CooperativaEnCasa

09:53 –

| The measure, which will be announced in today’s balance sheet, aims to free older adults who live in communes in transition so that they can go out any day of the week

09:52 –

| Minister Enrique Paris announced that this Sunday news will be known regarding the confinement of those over 75, who have been banned from leaving for almost six months
