He Department of Statistics and Information (DEIS) of the Ministry of Health encrypted this Saturday in 15,505 people died, between confirmed and probable cases, by Covid-19 in Chile.
According to epidemiological report number 46, adding confirmed and probable deaths, the Metropolitan Region remains the one with the highest mortality rate adjusted for every 100,000 inhabitants, of 136.5. They are followed by Antofagasta (84.6) and Tarapacá (63).
Regions with lower rate They are Aysén (4.7) and Los Ríos (9.1), followed by Los Lagos (15.9), La Araucanía (21.9) and Biobío (22.6).
The national rate, meanwhile, stands at 79.2, considering confirmed and probable deaths from Covid-19.
Total cases exceed 455 thousand
According to the DEIS report, until August 29 there have been accumulated 455,594 cases of coronavirus (388,621 with laboratory confirmation and 49,622 probable, without laboratory confirmation), with a rate of 2,341.4 per 100,000 inhabitants
The highest cumulative incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants, according to laboratory-confirmed cases, are found in the Metropolitan Region (3730.6), Tarapacá Region (2960.0) and Antofagasta Region (2712.4).
We invite you to know the 46th epidemiological report # COVID-19 of the Ministry of Health.
The entire report, here: https://t.co/dE3HzoAoHC
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) August 29, 2020