During this day, the Ministry of Health made public the Epidemiological Report number 46, which details the current situation of the coronavirus pandemic.
In this report the details of the communes with the most active cases of COVID-19, a list headed by the municipalities of Punta Arenas with 810 active cases, followed by Arica with 585 and Antofagasta with 571.
It is worth mentioning that the Minsal defines active cases as “living people confirmed with COVID-19 whose date of onset of symptoms, notification or sampling is less than or equal to 14 days from the date of the current report.” That is to say, these are people who have the virus and can still spread it to others.
Within the 20 communes with the most active cases, only four of them correspond to the Metropolitan region: Puente Alto, Maipú, San Bernardo and La Florida are the most critical areas within the capital.
In addition, Punta Arenas, the commune that heads the list, has increased by 141 active cases since the last epidemiological report, issued on August 26.
Review the detail of the list of active cases:
- Punta Arenas (810 active cases)
- Arica (585)
- Antofagasta (571)
- Concepcion (530)
- High Bridge (484)
- Coquimbo (482)
- Valparaiso (412)
- Viña del Mar (382)
- Talcahuano (359)
- Chillán (356)
- Maipú (329)
- Rancagua (327)
- Oval (301)
- Iquique (299)
- La Serena (254)
- Puerto Montt (237)
- Saint Bernard (225)
- Hualpen (225)
- Florida (216)
- Chiguayante (213)