The Ministry of Health published the 46th Epidemiological Report, informing that deaths from covid could reach 15,505 people, because -according to DEIS data- to the 11,181 deaths from the virus, there are 4,324 deaths, of which it is suspected they died from the same cause.
The Metropolitan Region concentrates the highest number of deaths, with 11,131, followed by the regions of Valparaíso, with 1,127, and Antofagasta, with 587.
The fatality rate, which corresponds to the proportion of people with Covid-19 who die in relation to the total number of people who have contracted the disease, is 3.4% nationwide.
The Magallanes region went from a rate of active cases per 100 thousand inhabitants from 402.6 to 487.2 since the 43 Epidemiological Report, which means an increase of 84.6 in the last 4 days.
As for the communes with the highest number of active cases, the ranking is led by Punta Arenas, which has an incidence rate of active cases of 570.5. Porvenir has 450.6 and Primavera 432.3.
The Biobío is another source of concern and the region jumped from 147.2 to 164.8, that is to say 17.6 more. The communes with the highest rate are Penco (328.9), Tomé (260.5) and Hualqui (244.3).
The other regions that increased their rate of active cases between Report 43 and 44 are: Aysén (from 5.6 to 14), O’Higgins (from 111.4 to 115.7) and Los Ríos (from 17.5 to 18.2).
Among the 10 cities with the most active cases, there is only one in the Metropolitan Region: Puente Alto.
The ranking of active cases is as follows:
- Punta Arenas, with 810 active cases.
- Arica, with 585.
- Antofagasta, with 571.
- Concepción, with 530.
- Puente Alto, with 484.
- Coquimbo, with 482.
- Valparaíso, with 412.
- Viña del Mar, with 382.
- Talcahuano, with 359.
- Copiapó, with 358.