The president of the CUT, Bárbara Figueroa, called on the Government to advance in the negotiation of the minimum wage and demanded to stop the dismissals, given the historical unemployment rate provided by the INE, of 13.1% for the moving quarter May-June-July. “Faced with the unemployment figures and this historical unemployment rate, which is affecting mainly commerce and construction, at the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores we once again reaffirm the approach we made in March: this situation was absolutely manageable with comprehensive measures”, said Figueroa, recalling that “that is why we present our national emergency plans that today could have mitigated this critical situation.”
“Faced with this situation of 1.8 million lost jobs, we clearly need to prohibit layoffs. We will demand that any subsidy policy be preventing companies from firing, ”the leader stressed.
It also specified that it is required that those workers “whose contracts are suspended (by the Employment Protection law, via unemployment insurance) can return to their jobs as soon as possible, and not run the risk of being fired once end this subsidy ”.
The president of the CUT also referred to the meetings she started with the Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, to agree on a new minimum wage.
“We clearly need that to reactivate the economy and jobs we advance in the negotiation of the minimum wage, an issue that we have raised with special emphasis because we know that wages and jobs are not contradictory. If today we want to put Chile on its feet and we want SMEs to rehire, we need workers to have the capacity to consume ”, he said. For his part, Minister Briones affirmed that after four meetings with the CUT there is a “spirit of dialogue and understanding” of the delicate labor situation.