Minsal proposes to include close contacts as Covid-19 positives without taking PCR | National


In the daily report delivered by the Minsal regarding the spread of the coronavirus in the country, the Health Minister Jaime Mañalich, confirmed that it proposed the Advisory Council declare positive contacts, without the need to take a PCR test, to close contacts with symptoms of the disease.

As reported, it is the possibility is very low that a person who has had close contact with a case verified by Covid-19 and develops symptoms of respiratory affection, is not suffering from an infection by the disease.

“We have proposed to the Advisory Council that we change the definition, including with greater ambition than we have today, as cases of coronavirus those people who develop respiratory symptoms, that certified have been in contact on the dates corresponding to a positive case for coronavirus and without having to do PCR, be added ”, detailed.

Mañalich clarified that the PCR sensitivity is not 100%, there may be cases in which people who have been in direct contact, the PCR test shows negative; however it may be false negatives.

Specifically, it is sought that these people be treated as positive cases so that they adopt the isolation and receive treatment.
