This Friday at 22:00 A new cycle of compulsory quarantine begins for all of Greater Santiago and a new need to obtain temporary permits and safe-conducts at the virtual police station. The measure was taken due to the high increase in cases, especially in the Metropolitan Region.
The idea is not to be alarmed, and do not leave if it is not strictly necessary. And when doing so, always have a mask, hand wash with alcohol gel on the street and with soap and water at home. When you get home, wash your clothes and leave your shoes outside.
But what is the difference between temporary permits and safe conducts
Temporary permits are, as the name implies, a permit to go and do some paperwork, in a certain period, between five in the morning and 21:59 at night.
Individual temporary permits available at the virtual police station:
- Attendance at health facilities: You must have previously scheduled time and / or medical treatment. In this case, the person can go with a companion. Duration: 12 hours of free transit.
- Purchase basic supplies: Whether it is for the purchase of food, medicines and / or other basic supplies. Duration: three hours of free transit, maximum twice a week.
- Departure of people with autistic spectrum or other mental disability: With their respective companion, who must present to the supervisory authority the disability credential, certificate of disability from the Civil Registry or medical certificate indicating the diagnosis Autism Spectrum Disorder. The permit must be requested with the number of the national identity card of the person with autism spectrum disorder or another type of mental disability. Duration: two hours.
- Pet walk: With reduced displacement within two blocks around the home or residence. Duration: 30 minutes, maximum twice a day.
- Payment of basic services; collection of pensions, subsidies or state benefits, unemployment insurance; and, bank or notary procedures. It can only be requested from Monday to Friday. Duration: three hours, maximum twice a week.
- Return to habitual residence: Transit authorization will be granted only for 24 hours. When the person arrives home, they must serve a mandatory quarantine for 14 days.
- Attendance at direct family funeral: Duration of five hours of free transit if you reside in the same region of the funeral and, 24 hours if the funeral is in another region.
- Withdrawal of food and school texts from public bodies: such as Junaeb or others. Duration: six hours of free transit, maximum once a week.
- Appearance to a subpoena under the law: Presenting a subpoena that an attorney or other person must attend according to what the law says. The applicant must attach a copy of the respective judicial summons. Duration: until the fulfillment of the management.
- Deliver food or other essential supplies to older adults: Avoid direct or physical contact with them. Duration: two hours of free transit, maximum twice a week.
- Change of address: Temporary authorizations to make removals. Permit valid for 24 hours. It can be requested only once.
- Provide basic food or supplies in Penitentiary Facilities: According to the rules established by the Chilean Gendarmerie. Duration: 3 hours of free transit, maximum twice a week.
- Transfer of children or adolescents between the homes of their parents or guardians: In accordance with the existing agreement between the father, mother and / or those in charge of personal care. The applicant must indicate the name and the national identity cards of the caregivers and the child or adolescent, their addresses and visiting time.
- Exercise the right of the child or adolescent to maintain contact with their parents: This permission may be requested only once a week, indicating the visit time agreed by the father or mother or those in charge of personal care. For the purposes of granting this permit, the applicant must indicate the name and the national identity cards of the caregivers, that of the child or adolescent, their addresses and the time of the visit.
On the other hand, the safe-conducts are delivered through the virtual police station. to be able to transit in curfew, that is between 22:00 and 04:59. These are individual and collective. For health personnel, neither temporary permits nor safe-conducts are necessary, since it is only necessary to show their medical credential. Neither do firefighters, public officials, workers of accredited collaborating organizations, private security and citizen security companies need it.
Individual safe-conduct
- Medical treatments. You can only register one companion, who must register with their RUN and full name. In cases of medical emergencies, a safe-conduct will not be required, but a permanent control will be established.
- Attendance at funeral by direct family member. Four hours of free transit if you live in the same region of the funeral and 24 hours if the funeral is in another region.
Collective safe-conduct
They are authorizations that allow the circulation of essential personnel for the operation of the following services:
- Power supply, central operations and emergency crews.
- Public transport and railways.
- Drinking water supply, operations centers and emergency crews.
- Gas supply, central operations and emergency crews
- Service stations and fuel distributors.
- Nuclear reactors.
- Banks and financial institutions and securities transportation.
- Funeral and cemetery services.
- Telecommunications, data center, central operations and emergency crews.
- Supermarkets, markets, fairs and supply, distribution and production centers.
- Neighborhood stores, bakeries, retail outlets, hardware stores and other basic supplies.
- Pharmacy.
- Laboratories and drug producers.
- Newspaper and newspaper distributors.
- Agro-food companies, silvicultural and agricultural producers, fishing and processing of fish and shellfish, production of food for animals, birds and pisiculture, and production of cellulose and products of paper, cardboard and derivatives.
- Media.
- Post.
- Mining and related companies.
- Ports and maritime transport.
- Airports and bus terminals.
- Company collecting garbage and sanitary landfill.
- Transportation of cargo and passengers.
How to get temporary and safe conducts in the virtual police station
Both permits are requested at the Virtual Police Station and the information of the identity card, passport or Unique Key is required for the individuals. For collective safe-conducts the legal representative must identify the person or representatives of the company, maximum 40, with the following information:
- Full name.
- RUN.
- Birthdate.
- Patent.
