More of 1,200 people The day of this Thursday arrived at the reopening of the Puerto Montt, Chiloé and Puerto Varas malls, in the Los Lagos region, in the midst of the pandemic.
In the case of the regional capital there was a line to enter, with the presence of older adults and some children.
At 10:00 hours the opening in the regional capital began, however, there was already a line of people waiting to enter the shopping center.
To enter, the guards they took the temperature on the forehead or neck, to then deliver a little alcohol gel for the hands.
Once inside, it can be seen that the majority of vendors used face protectors, masks and gloves, to be able to work and avoid Covid-19 infections.
Of course, although it sounds paradoxical, people in line did not welcome the arrival of older adults or even children at the opening of the mall.
Despite having a similar opinion, another client told Radio Bío Bío that older adults often do not have the means or someone to support them, so they must go to shopping centers to carry out their procedures.
https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/cua-mall-abierto-2.mp3The doors were opened this Thursday morning at 10:00 am, and despite the cold or wind, the citizens arrived the same to be able to solve problems associated with the lack of solutions from commercial stores.
The Paseo Costanera mall received 500 people, the Del Mar 300, 200 Puerto arrived and Chiloé 200 clients, according to Pasmar figures.
From the Government, it was said that the Pasmar Group was asked protocols for the protection of clients and workersThis includes that Mall staff can intervene to remember that social distance must be maintained.