In an experiment conducted by the Japanese television and radio station NHK, with the help of a group of scientists, he simulated how the coronavirus can spread during a social event.
Many scientists estimate that cruises were a great propagator of the coronavirus, especially in sectors such as the buffet, where many people gather.
10 volunteers participated in the experiment. One person acted as an infected person and pretended to cough and cover his mouth with his hand, applying a fluorescent paint that looked like a virus to the palm of his hand.
The video shows what happened after 30 minutes. It was confirmed that the painting (the virus in this case) spread to the hands of all the participants and in three were on the face.
Professor Hiroyuki Kunishima, of the St. Marianna University School of Medicine, one of the scientists who participated in the experiment, said that these types of places constitute areas of high contact, “that harbors danger”.
Review the details of the experiment in the video.